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Volunteer Activities & Team Leaders (January 2024).


List of Streamkeeper Activities – January 2024


In addition to the duties of the Officers, the following list comprises the activities of the Society. The person leading each activity is called the Team Leader.






1. Memberships:


 Maintains the membership list and manages the annual renewals and new member applications. (Miyoko Kaal –


2. Volunteers & Training Coordinator:


Maintains focus on involving the membership in various Streamkeeper volunteer activities. Serves as liaison connecting members with the respective Team Leaders. Provides on-site training for new and existing members for all Streamkeeper activities, mostly on an individual basis, with particular attention to salmon surveys, creek care and education (Mike Perley –


3. Community Events:


Plans and implements the participation of Streamkeepers at three annual community events - Adopt-a-Fish, Community Day (Bridge Festival) and the Coho Festival. ( TBA )


4. Hatchery Operations and Fry Releases:


Manages the Nelson Creek Hatchery raising chum and coho eyed-eggs to fry stage. Organizes fry releases with the DFO Community Advisor each Spring. Also participates in fin-clipping and egg-takes. Assembles the volunteer teams for these activities some of which are at other hatcheries.

(Jan Moger – and Leslie Shuparski –


5. Spawner Surveys and Emerging Fry Surveys:


Coordinates Creek Monitors to gather and submit the results of creek surveys for returning adult salmon each Fall and emerging fry surveys in the Spring. Sets up survey procedures and collects data from surveys of spawning salmon and emerging fry.


(Anthea Cameron –  and TBA



6. Student Outreach – Senior Secondary Schools:


Coordinates the senior secondary students’ participation in the spawner salmon surveys each fall and assisting at other activities such as community events, storm drain painting, removing invasive plants and planting native species of plants. (John Barker – and Joseph McDaniel –


7. Storm Drain Painting


  • Elementary Schools:


Coordinates the “yellow salmon” storm drain painting program with elementary schools.  (Pat Frewer - )


  • Community Projects: Coordinates adult program painting storm drains in near-creek areas –TBA


8. CreekTalk – Elementary Schools:


Provides in-classroom presentations on creeks and estuaries focusing on habitat and aquatic life – fish, insects, amphibians, crustaceans, birds and plant life. Will lead creek and shoreline walks. (Marlene Loader –


9. Temperature Logging:


Coordinates the teams that download the data from the 19 temperature loggers located on 9 local streams. Maintains the data base of creek temperatures.  (Natasha Romero – )


10. Citizen Science:


Coordinates a team that perform aquatic insect sampling on nine key streams and records water quality information for pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and turbidity on those streams and, where appropriate, salinity (road salt run off). (John Wilcockson – )


11. Creek Surveys:


Coordinates surveys of major creeks with a view to identifying habitat, obstacles and restrictions for returning salmon. The process will involve walking and mapping the creeks and compiling a detailed database as a tool to support various initiatives such as Work Plan priorities, choices of fry release sites and habitat restoration. Volunteers are welcome to help in this endeavour, which will be closely supported by the DFO Community Advisor, Malcolm Wigham. (Keith Moger -




12. Communications:


  • Attends to Streamkeeper correspondence and maintains contact with the media. (Keith Pelletier –

  •  Sends email notices to the membership and friends of the Society. (Annie

  •  Coordinates the Newsletter preparation. (Taren Urquhart –

  •  Oversees the website and attends to updates. (Keith Moger - )

  •  Social media – regular postings on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – (Taren Urquhart –


13. District Staff and Council:


Organizes and chairs the regular bi-monthly Streamkeepers meeting with District Staff (Engineering, Parks, Environment and Planning). Prepares the agenda for these meetings. Maintains contact with and arranges, as necessary, meetings with members of District staff and Council. Mike Perley – (


14. Property Development:


Maintains contact with the District’s Environment Protection Officer on all near-creek developments and reviews environment development permit applications. Visits development sites and, through the District, works with property developers to ensure municipal by-laws are being honoured (Watercourse Protection Bylaw and Creeks Bylaw). (Greg Harder –


15. Work Plan:


Develops and monitors the Work Plan (project list) for all streams in the community. Works with Creek Monitors, environmental and engineering consultants and District staff in advancing these projects. Assists in fund raising for these projects. (Keith Moger -


 16. Fund Raising:


Assists in fund raising and making funding applications for stream enhancement projects, as necessary, to funding organizations such as the Coho Society of the North Shore, the West Vancouver Community Foundation and the Pacific Salmon Foundation. (Bill McAllister – )

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