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Newsletter #39 – October – December 2018

West Vancouver Streamkeepers

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

1) Streamkeepers Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church starting at 7:30 p.m. Please make note of the other Members Meeting dates for 2019 – the Seaside Social on April 25, the Annual General Meeting on May 9 and the fall meeting on October 3.

2) Retired Community Advisor: After many years on the job and a life-time of devotion to fisheries issues, Rob Bell-Irving, our Community Advisor, retired on October 31. It is worth mentioning that the activities of our Society always proceeded with Rob’s support and input – everything from fry trapping, hatchery operations, PIP funding from DFO, educational programs, citizen science and major projects. We thank Rob sincerely for his dedication, insight and guidance over these years. An announcement is expected in early January from Fisheries and Oceans Canada appointing a new Community Advisor for our region.

3) Awards – Congratulations to Sherry Parrott and Hugh Hamilton who were both recognized for their volunteer contributions to the community. On November 22 each received an Environment Award from the District of West Vancouver at a presentation at Kay Meek theatre.

4) Alouette River Hatchery Egg-Take: On three outings in October, groups of 2 to 4 of our members participated in the annual chum salmon egg-take. This entailed stripping the salmon of eggs and milt and manually completing the fertilization, then placing the eggs in water-fed trays at the hatchery.

5) Nelson Creek Hatchery: On December 10 we received 105,500 chum salmon eggs from the Alouette River Hatchery and we expect to take delivery of 30,000 coho eggs in late January from the Capilano River Hatchery. Jan Moger and Leslie Shuparski share the task of managing the hatchery along with a seasoned team of volunteers.

6) Spawner Salmon Surveys: Prior to the start of the surveys, 11 members attended a spawner salmon training course provided by Zo Ann Morten of the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation. From early October until mid-December, 31 Creek Monitors surveyed 16 creeks and tributaries throughout West Vancouver. Thanks to all who participated in these surveys and to Laura Bekar who coordinated the surveys and gathered the data. Although the results were below expectations for a number of creeks, it is comforting to know that on Brothers and Hadden Creeks, this fall we recorded the highest coho salmon count in the past 12 years. A presentation on the results of these surveys will be made at the Members Meeting on January 24 and posted on the Streamkeepers’ website.

7) Secondary School Participation in Spawner Salmon Surveys: Now in its twelfth year, 16 teams were formed with 71 students from West Vancouver Secondary, Rockridge, Sentinel, Mulgrave and Collingwood participating. Each team was led by a Streamkeeper sponsor. At the end of the survey period a Wrap-Up Celebration was held on December 13. Mayor Mary-Ann Booth and Board of School Trustees Chair, Carolyn Broady, presented tee-shirts to the students for their contribution to salmon stewardship. We would like to thank corporate sponsors British Pacific Properties for assisting with the cost of the tee-shirts, and Park Royal Shopping Centre for hosting a “pizza feast” following the event. On January 28, Streamkeepers and the students will be going before West Vancouver Council as a Delegation to present the results of the spawner salmon surveys.

8) Work Plan Results 2018 and Work Plan 2019: In 2018 there were projects being planned or completed on Eagle Creek (baffles), McDonald Creek (Hay Park rearing pond), Lawson Creek (fish ladder at The Legion), Brothers Creek (baffles under the highway) and Hadden Creek (fish ladder at Stevens Drive). A presentation on the 2018 Results and the Work Plan for 2019 will be provided at the Members Meeting in January.

9) Navvy Jack Nature House: District staff have completed the assessment of Navvy Jack house to convert the building to public space and have prepared an operating budget to operate the facility. This will be put forward in the proposed 2019 Budget to be reviewed by Council. We are hopeful of seeing a favourable conclusion bringing an informative nature centre to the community. The detailed design for the restoration of lower Lawson Creek will be prepared once the upgrading of Navvy Jack house has been approved.

10) Funding: In addition to donations received from members in 2018, we were fortunate to have received funding and support from others in the community. This includes Whole Foods Market (bag donation program $2,200), Kiwanis Club of West Vancouver ($1,500), British Pacific Properties (salmon survey tee-shirts $1,100), Park Royal Shopping Centre ($2,000 annual grant plus an additional $500 to support community and school events) and RBC Foundation ($1,100). To assist in our Work Plan projects, we also received in-kind contributions from Sartori Environmental, CREUS Engineering, North Construction and Glen Gibson and Company. It should also be mentioned that Whole Foods Market, Park Royal have again named our Society as a recipient of its bag donation program which runs from January 1 to March 31.

11) Fish Kill – Larson Creek: We continue to stay in touch with the representative of Environment and Climate Change Canada which is responsible for the investigation of the April 30 fish kill in Larson Creek. This is still at the investigation stage and in time, we anticipate being informed if charges, most likely under the Fisheries Act, will be recommended.

12) Streamkeeper Course: We expect to offer the introductory Streamkeeper course again, which would occur in June or July. Anyone interested in attending this two-day weekend course, should contact John Barker to reserve a place.

13) Membership: We are pleased to report that the membership for 2018 totaled 266. Of this number, 135 members provided volunteer service. As you have been informed, electronic processing for membership applications and renewals is now offered. However, the existing method of printing the application form and mailing it, along with payment, continues to be available. If you haven’t already done so, could you please renew your membership for 2019. The application form is on the website under Join Us (

John Barker, President 604-922-5780

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